I went into my nearest w h smith to buy a magazine. Preferably Dazed and Confused but unexpectedly there was a surprise waiting for me!
The Second issue of love!
Love magazine is edited by the amazing katie Grand who used to edit pop magazine which was one of my favorite mags but she decided to make a new magazine for Conde Nast.
This issue is about youth.
I prefer the second issue as i love the theme of youth as katie grand couldn't explain it any better in her Editors Letter.
"Everyone bats the word passion around so much these days that it has virtually become meaningless. so rather than add to the dirge of repetitive, celebrity driven, messages by numbers, we went looking for ordinary kids who could teach the grown ups a thing."
When looking at the love fan page on facebook though a lady on there made a very good point.
"Found early copies in WHSmith too- still loving the aesthetic of the mag but, seriously, is every issue going to be full of Pixie Geldof? In this one she's credited as a singer/musician- is that what she does this month?If I were one of the many talented individuals you feature who've worked long and hard to make their names in their fields, I'd be pretty annoyed if on the next page there was Miss Geldof being credited as a musician when she has yet to make her name in that field at all. I adored the first issue of Love but am worried its turning into a magazine about famous people's kids..?I realise the theme was youth in this issue, but using someone like Geldof as an example of an intern is pretty ridiculous- most interns do not end up on the pages of the glamorous glossies they work for, they go home to a second job so they can pay their rent."
Which i think is a very good point as interning doesn't mean you're gonna be featured on every page and is very expensive. I feel sorry for the other interns who didn't get a photo shoot with there famous friends and styled by Dolce and Gabanna.
I was also very pleased that they put most of the adverts at the front to make the art direction run smoother.
This was the cover i chose.

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