Sunday, 16 August 2009

Fashion Magazines

Being a fashion student and training to be a stylist i look at fashion Magazines for inspirations and when looking through my blog i was shocked that i haven't mentioned any fashion magazines considering they are a heavy influence to my work. So i thought i'd just mention a few that have really excited me through my young learning love of fashion.

Nylon magazine that stands for new  york and london was the first fashion magazine i found in my local news agents that wasn't a commercial fashion magazine such as vogue and Harpars Bazaar. To be honest i didn't realise fashion magazines that were aimed at a younger fashion market existed and i was excited about the new designers that they featured and the edgier styling stories. I was also really interested in the underground bands that they reviewed.  

Now with my wider knowledge of fashion magazines i find Nylon magazine targeted at a slightly younger audience so i don't tend to read it as much or find it that inspiring but i'll always be fond of it. Another of my favorite Mags is plastique magazine that i love for art direction and there creative use of text.

I do have a confession

I haven't read S magazine yet but my friend had told me about it and described it as pure sex and with this exciting description it got me running home to order the slightly expensive £12.75 magazine.

so when the magazine arrives and i have read cover to cover i will be sure to blog and tell you my thoughts.

1 comment:

  1. Good posting with beautiful pics !!!! I am amazed to see that if anyone has sense of fashion than they can beautiful and smart at the same time. I am looking for a my Plastique Unique Inc. company profile for my new assignment , I have searched some but want to work on views by fashion member.

    Plastique Unique. Inc. company profile
