After a lovely day of coffee and pan-ini's with my mum and nan i realized that with only 5 weeks till i have to go back to uni and hand in 6000 words of my dissertation and my s magazine still not arriving for me to read i really should start my essay! but like most people after only writing 300 words i am easily distracted so i decided to plan my festival wear for v festival which i go to on friday! but not being satisfied with looking at the clothes i could afford here is my dream festival wear...............
Necklace- Tatty Devine
Skirt- Top shop (Not exactly expensive but i still love it anyway)
sunglasses- Giles Deacon
Cuff- Kara Beck
and add a straw hat and some jeany things for that true festival feel. You also may be wondering where the Wellies are but they have bored me this year so get some leather boots muddy instead!!!
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