Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Winter Moments

Ashamedly i've never really had a look at until recently and I'm really impressed to see so many amazing images.

so i thought i would start showcasing some photography that i like from there.

I've also noticed that in the last few days, that winter has kicked in with the fur coat out winter boots out of the cupboard and now snugly keeping me warm. I decided to use this as inspiration for my searches.

Here are my first 2 favorites.

Images from


video styling

I've styled for a small fashion Video before but was really excited to be asked to style for a video that wanted to play around with experimental shots and was going to take place in a really cool location with fun props. As i always find it easier to experiment when there is a layed back atmosphere.

The shoot lived up to the expectation in my head when the model (The lovely Rebecca Davison) and i turned up to find a series 1 land rover accompanied by many years of mud and rust which really worked with the barn location.

Unfortunately i can't show you the video just yet as it is still being edited but here are some stills that i took myself.

The shots are not photeshoped just yet but i'm really happy with the photography as i took them myself :)

Hope you enjoy and let me know your comments




After many months of working hard and trying to chanel 8 peoples work, dreams and ideas into 1 magazine, we have finally finished and must say we are all very happy wit the results.

I'm not going to post too much as the magazine will soon be available to look at on-line!

for more info and to be put onto our email list of book 77 up dates then please message me on here!

Thanks xx